Friday, September 26, 2008

Oh, Palin. Thanks for playing.

Even conservatives are acknowledging the lack of experience that Palin brings to the table. Her lastest interview with Couric and Gibson definetely support this notion, but it's nice to see even her own party is struggling with getting behind her. I can't wait for the Biden/Palin debate on Thursday!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dear Pete Carroll.....

.....YOU LOST!!!! I don't know what's worse, being knocked out of the number one ranking or losing to effing Oregon State. I actually rooted for OSU tonight. Which was extremely weird and uncomfortable, but loved watching you get your assssss kicked!! Pete, did I mention that it was OSU that beat you?????? An unranked team that has looked rather terrible the last few weeks? Well, thank you for an extremely exciting night of college football. Once again it was proved that anyone can win, on any given day.

Man, I love this game.

location, location, location.

wow. what a difference location makes. granted, i am used to eugene as i lived here for nearly seven years prior to moving to texas...but there is something very important about this area of the country for me. i didn't realize how miserable i actually was in lubbock until i got back here. i guess there is something about familiarity that is important, but i bet there is a lot more to it. things are just going really good right now...i love what i am doing, i love the town, the culture, the grocery stores, the fabulous coffee, the football. seriously. it's sorta heaven comparatively.

i am getting so much support from my colleagues here that it is a wonder how i ever survived TTU in the first place. though there are some meaningful people and experiences connected to TTU, those of us that have been there for a few years are aware of the negative climate that exists. needless to say, being back at UofO i am well aware of how hard the last few years have been. everything is just too easy here. that doesn't mean that there isn't work involved, or i am over qualified, just that there is a sense of ease about everything i have done so far. wow. what a relief. i am ready for a mental health break.

in addition, just being back in eugene is fantastic. i absolutely love this town. and better yet, i love driving around town and seeing tons and tons of obama stickers! may seem minor to some, but i LOVE that. ;) i have started nike+ (check it which is coaching me through a 12 week running program. by december i hope to be keeping up with the best of them around eugene! i guess the history of pre is great enough reason to start running here. thanks to jarod...i'm all set. (gotta love friends with massive discounts).

good things are happening in my life. i have made some major steps in regard to my own personal well being and have found a part of my family i had yet to know. those close to me are well aware of these details, but suffice it to say that it has made an amazing impact on my own personal serenity. i have a baby brother due in about a week (this is part of those details--don't feel like explaining--just accept the face value :)) i can't wait for him to be here....

all in all, things are wonderful. i am very happy at the possibilities ahead in all areas of my life. cheers to things being great again! ;)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

i am sick of being sick.

seriously. this is getting old. i don't operate well being sick for too long because i can't get stuff done. and my to-do list is just sitting there waiting for me! i went to the ER tuesday night because my throat was so swollen i was having a difficult time breathing. i couldn't speak at all because everything was so swollen. anyways, i will spare you the ultimate details....but i ended up getting some meds and have been down and out all week. since it was so painful and so ridiculously out of control (he said the worst throat he had ever seen)...he gave me some good old fashioned vicodin. as an addictions therapist i have been adamently counting and calculating my dosages because i can't tell you how many clients i have treated with this addiction. i have tapered myself off pretty much down to just 1 every 6 hours. but i'm bored. my really dear friend is here in town and i never get to see him and i am stuck in bed. this sucks!

it's getting better, but i am ready to be back to my 100% running a mile a minute self. i have shit to do!!! :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008


it's been so great being back in oregon and being in driving distance of my niece. i had to move right when my sister announced she was basically i have been getting to know and love my niece long distance. which is less than desirable if you ask me. anyways, she came to visit today and we spent the day just hanging out...ran a few errands...went to the park...dressed up in all "auntie's" jewelry...and danced crazily in the living room forever. she has been fascinated with my laptop and the last time she was here we googled turtles (a recent obsession, for the mere joy of looking at probably 100 google images).... and so it was back to the laptop again for some turtle searching. i was slightly exhausted by this so i thrilled her with photo booth and captured some funny pictures of her..... the rest are just part of the day.

later this evening we called brandy via skype...and the fact that she could interact with someone (and her dog) through a computer screen was even better for joselyn. all she could talk about as she was going to bed was getting back to the computer to talk to "herrrrr." :)

might i add that i am extremely proud of my sister for raising such an incredible little girl (as a single mom--teen mom at first). she is very advanced, is extremely sweet and loving, and is a joy to be around. and she is only 2 1/2. i can't imagine how much fun it will be in the years to come.

for some reason she was obsessed with sticking her tongue out at first.

the fact that she could see herself was extremely entertaining.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

ready, set, go.

I guess everyone else is blogging so why don't I start as well. Nothing wrong with a little copycat behavior, right?! I may actually enjoy blogging, mostly because I obsessively read everyone's on a regular basis. I actually started one about a year ago, however it seems as though I didn't care enough at the time because I don't even remember the blog address. Sad, I know. But I guess that is what happens when you are pushing through a phd program. Thoughts become fleeting and hopes and dreams are crushed. Ha, a little dramatic, but partly true. ;) My intentions are to simply track some of my which ever direction they may lead me.