It sure has been a while since I have written a blog. Sometimes I just don't want to, other times I don't have the time, and this time I basically forgot I had one. :) But a lot has happened in the last month or so, I will do my best to catch you up.
First, and probably the most important, I defended my dissertation. I am officially
Dr. Tiffany Brown. What I have noticed in the last month since this has become official is that I don't seem to react too much to the title. I have found that others have more fun calling me that than I do. I attribute this to the fact that I never went after a Ph.D. for the sake of a title, my desire to continue in school was more about education and passion than prestige. I will admit, it sure is nice to have some clout amongst colleagues and community members, but at the end of the day it doesn't mean as much to me as the what I gained in the process.
I went back to Lubbock for a few days and defended September 21. I stayed with the Harrington's (which was awesome) and was able to see a few close friends while I was in town. It was a quick trip, but fantastic nonetheless. The first picture is with Tom, my advisor and dissertation chair. Also the person who maintained my sanity for the last 4 years. He has been the greatest mentor and really took me under his wing. I am forever grateful.
I also went to San Antonio that same week. I flew back to Eugene, was here for two nights, then headed out to San Antonio for a weekend of parties for Erin and Andrew. It was a blast being there and being with everyone for a few days.
From San Antonio, Erin and I flew to Sacramento for the AAMFT national conference where I had a few presentations and some catching up to do with friends. It was a fun couple of days, mostly low stress and a chance to be away from the university. The greatest part was seeing some old colleagues that I don't get a chance to see very often.
I have been back in Eugene for a few weeks, though I head out for Erin's wedding in a few weeks. Then in December I will be going to Lubbock for graduation. I will have been to Texas 4 times in 3 months. Holy hell.
Things are going well with work, I love it more and more every day. I am not really dating right now, I seem to go in waves of meeting guys and going out on many dates within a short period of time to feeling like it's a total waste of time and not caring for a while. I don't know where I am at currently with that, though regardless, Eugene is not the place to be for any chance of meeting the man of my dreams. I am sure there are a few wonderful guys here, I just can't seem to find them!
Anyways, I am sure this seems like a forever long post, but what can you do. I will end with a few pictures of Joselyn when her and my sister came to visit a month or so ago. We went to the Saturday Market and had some fun! :)